In conclusion suicide is
not the best of methods for fixing ones issues, and is a very selfish manner of
dealing with problems. The reoccurrence of suicide is due its final
destination, and a taunting way of ridding all of one’s depression and vast
emptiness. The cure for love, financial issues, and further social issues has a
result of disease, one that is spread amongst those who are left behind. It is
ironic how an absolute finite ending for one is another’s permanent sorrow. Furthermore,
the balance in life goes that all energy is conserved; it is neither destroyed
nor created, therefore the belief that suicide is a cure for ones problems is
falsified in its own nature. The energy lost by one soul, is gained by another,
and this energy is dark, felt by many, despite of all the loneliness the person
assumed, no one is ever alone, and no one goes without notice. Although some
might justify a suicide by stating that they have not experienced situations
where in a person’s mind suicide is the only choice, at the end of the day there
is always an alternative. Pulling the plug might be an escape for the person
who decidedly committed suicide, and although in reality they are alleviating
themselves form all the trouble in their lives, they must not forget that they
are not only taking their lives away from themselves but also from those who
love them. When a tragic event such as a suicide unfortunately occurs in a
family its viewed as a selfish act. It effects the emotionally aspect of the
family because it brings much sadness and confusion to the real victims of the
situation, the family. Traumatically is causes families to live in fear, and to
ultimately live with the thought of losing someone due to the pain they felt,
especially knowing that as a family member, they were not able to change their
mind. Finally, suicide causes large amounts of financial stress that the
suicide victim does not calculate. We all know that when someone commits
suicide is hits really hard to the families involved, but considering the aspects
of emotions, trauma and finances, it actually impacts the family on a much
greater scale.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Counter Argument Analysis - Yousef
Committing suicide may not be justified,
however sometimes one may be understood in why they decided to commit such act.
The reasons why women sometimes commit suicide are sad and sometimes we have to
just understand them. One of the reasons why women are known to commit suicide
is from social pressure. For example, sometimes women are domestically abused,
and they feel that they have no other choice but to escape by committing
suicide. More specifically, when women are trapped in a home in which they are
dependent of their husbands, don’t have their own income, don’t have a means by
which to escape, and the pain of being abused is unbearable, this can lead them
to drastic measures. Sadly, many women kill themselves when they don’t know any
other way to leave their husbands. The husbands beat them, and bring their
moral down to a low level that they start to believe. Once again, there are
always alternatives to escaping by suicide; however, it may be understandable
why some women would feel that they are trapped, scared and hopeless. Nonetheless,
even in an attempt to justify this, the fact that alternatives exist overrules
this act.
In the US there are some of the best
schools and educations one can get throughout the world and yet the health
administration is very poor. When people seek help and still end up committing
suicide, than this must mean that the support group is somehow failing. Suicide
is sometimes anticipated; however a lot of the people who attempt to commit
suicide keep it to them and do not tell anyone about their decision or
tendencies. There should be more awareness for this matter, and if they should
are so advanced than why do more doctors not detect these tendencies and stop
them is a question that will remain unknown. Although it is difficult to try
and stop suicide throughout the country, there are other ways in which it may
be alleviated. Suicide is due to self-inflicting tendencies the buildup is
inside the person, and therefore a change in mind and heart may be the cure for
Moreover, sometimes women commit suicide
due to mental disorders, in which they cannot control themselves. These are
also known as chemical imbalances to the brain, in which a woman loses her
ability to control their thoughts, depression, and sadness. Some women lose
their will through postpartum depression, a depression that comes after giving
birth to a child resulting in hatred, anger, and disgust of themselves and
their child. These disorders are change a woman’s lives completely in a way
that one may not even recognize them, or they won’t even recognize themselves.
When they start feeling so lonely, and mad and angry, where not even the closes
people to them can help them, or calm them down, they lose themselves. It is
sad to see to witness such actions, or to know they even exist but it is true.
This is one feeling that many people would not understand unless they felt it. However,
depression is common amongst many groups, and although it is a common reason
for those who commit suicide there are many non-suicidal people who are in
depression and hey find alternative ways to deal with it. The help is out there
is one seeks it, therefore committing this selfish act has no advantages or
When one commits suicide
they cause a financial burden for their family members, or those who are
responsible for the financial part of the cost that come with suicide. Sadly,
people are not able to calculate the magnitude of what type of trouble they are
bringing upon those who love them because suicide causes one to be emotionally
confused and selfish. When one dies, it is known that there are many costs such
as funeral services, and other financial depts left behind by the person.
Therefore, the family members or others who carry the financial weight of the
death are left with the loss of the member and burden of having to pay all of
the services. This shows the selfishness of the act which states that suicide
is not free, not materially free nor emotional free, it only sets the person
free to bring a sentimental prison to other, especially the stress that comes
with having to worry about the monetary problems, loans that one might need to
take out, or borrowing money just to be able to lay the bodies of the person
who selfishly chose to leave without taking their family members and others in
Finally one might believe
that the justification for one who commits suicide is valid, and that there is
nothing one may do about it, however that is not true. No suicide should be
considered a valid act, it is always preventable, and there are many treatments
one can take. Suicidal people do seek help at times, and in these cases doctors
and counselors should really concentrate on what will benefit that person, and
not on what they can afford. Helping someone not take their life is priceless
because it is ultimately preventing themselves from the their mind which is the
most influential entity than any other form of pressure. The person has the
ability to come down to wanting to commit suicide and they also have the power
to turn it all around. There should not be any excuses for this act, especially
knowing that there have been people at the verge of suicide who simply did not
go through with it.
Selfish Effects - Shouq
When suicide does not have a successful
attempt it may lead to bad consequences. First of all, the moral of a person
who wants to commit suicide is so low that just the fact that they wanted to
commit suicide in the first place already sets them at a bad position if they
do survive. Surviving a suicide does not make them feel happy at first. They
are still depressed, and they are still so low that the thought of being kept
in the world terrifies them. Moreover, sometimes the physical damage in a
failed suicide attempt may be so bad that the person is never the same. For example,
sometimes people try to hang themselves, and in the act a person who walks in
on them, and stops the suicide stops them. At this point the person has already
lost a lot of blood and oxygen to the brain that even though they do survive,
they may spend the rest of their life with brain damage. This than leads to
their incompetence leading to even more trouble for the people around them who
have to take care of them and live with the fact that that person did not want
to live in the first place. There are people who
deal with depression, fight for their lives in health related life battles, are
indeed alone, and still are able to continue and not let that suicidal tendency
dominate their soul. There are many tolls that one throws onto other when they
chose to end their lives.
Suicide may also be a result of financial
issues. The pressure of being independent, and having to support a family, or
oneself are very strong in the US. Although there is help for financial issues,
when one is laid off and are no longer able to support their families, they
become so stressed that they lead themselves into an interior oppression that
sometimes leads to suicide. In a film, “Up In The Air”, there was a company,
whom was ironically hired to fire people. When one of the characters fires one
a woman, the woman states that she will commit suicide that she will longer be
able to live. The company has those types of reaction often and therefore they
do not take them too serious, although they do provide a support group for them
to regain stability financially. The woman ends up committing suicide, which
highlights a few factors. One is that the company who fired her did not take
her seriously. This shows that it is difficult to know when someone is suicidal,
or when he or she are serious, and therefore making it difficult to provide
help. On the other hand, just the pressure of being jobless in this society is
high that it may lead to suicide. Financial troubles are very stressful, and
when one loses all stability after being stable, they become even more
stressed. This illustrates that a great change in one’s life is hard to cope
with, it is not easy for many people to be able to deal with being so high and
coming down so low in such a short period of time. Our brains cannot handle so
much change, and therefore the consequences are costly.
Furthermore, specifically
analyzing those who commit suicide who leave children behind, there is an
ultimate void within the child’s life forever. When a parent commits suicide,
the child starts to feel that they were not worth it, and it affects their
self-esteem, and life confidence. In other words, when contemplating starting a
family, or when deciding to become part of a certain type of close relationship
they might find fear in that they do not feel that they will be able to fulfill
the person who they are trying to start a relationship with. It is not fair for
someone to have to be affected for the rest of his or her life just because
another was too scared to live theirs. Children who are victims of suicide are
the worse victims because growing up in the absence of someone who chose to
leave them has a big toll on their life. Overall this further illustrates the
way in which committing suicide is a selfish act, if one cannot stop his of herself
even for his or her child, than there is definitely an introverted,
self-fulfillment in this act of suicide.
The burden that is left on the loved ones
of those who commit suicide, and the sadness that it brings to the families
makes it a selfish act, one may escape their life thinking that are their
troubles are gone, however, they just create more trouble. Suicide is selfish,
when one commits suicide they feel as though they have found a solution for
their problems but they simply have not. If one were to realize that their
suicide will only lead to the pain of others instead of only thinking about
themselves, than I feel that there would be a lot fewer suicides, however this
is not the case, the metal state of a person who will commit suicide is in such
devastation that they do not think properly. Suicide is far beyond healthy.
Statistic has shown that 70% of elder men, who seek psychological help before
when they are feeling low, commit suicide. Overall, ninety
percent of all people who die by suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric
disorder at the time of their death. This
leads to one of two possible conclusions, either this metal disorder is so
strong that it is almost irreversible, or the help provided by doctors is not
Traumatically, a family
suicide is stuck within the family’s history forever. They are stuck with the
experience of the suicide that can affect the youth or adults, as they grow
older. Witnessing a suicide, especially from someone whom one may consider a
loved one, or a close person makes one feel that they were not their for the
person or that they could have done more to help them, when in reality is not
their fault. The suicide affects the relationships within the family. There
might be children that are forgotten about if the parents or family is still in
mourning, and they simply do not understand that they can ruin someone else’s
bond and relationship. It is difficult to try to recover form the loss of a
family through suicide, and even more so when one feels that there could have
been an answer or another way. The fact that this is an unforgettable event for
the whole family highlights the dangers of this act not only for the person who
commits suicide, but once again for all of those who are inevitably involved
Suicide is a serious issue because it
accounts for a high toll of death in the US. Over 38,000 people
in the United States die by suicide every year. In 2010 were 38,364 reported
suicide deaths. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for adults between
the ages of 18 and 65 years in the United States. Currently, suicide is the 10th
leading cause of death in the United States. Sadly, a person dies by suicide
about every 14 minutes in the United States. Every day, approximately 105
Americans take their own life. If suicide is in the top ten leading causes of
death in the United States, and there are still a lack of support groups for it
than something is in the system is failing. Most suicide attempts are believed to take
place in the home. This means that people take their own life in the place in
which is considered to be the most comforting and familiar place for a person.
One may only think that the person still seeks comfort before bringing their
life to an end. These statistics show the severity of this act, and yet another
reason to try to bring awareness to it in order to help others rethink their
final destination. It is without a doubt a serious issue and the fact that
every single social group is touched and affected by it wither by the attempt
of suicide or by having someone close to them commit suicide, it is important
to understand why they commit suicide and what are the cures for it, or how to
spot a suicidal person in order to prevent it.
A common group known to commit suicide is
elder men form the ages of 25 to 65 who account for over half of the suicides
in the US. These are a few factors that lead elder men to commit suicide. First
of all, not all attempts of suicide throughout the US are successful. The
success rate of suicide is higher for elder men, which is why they have higher
suicide rates. Moreover, the reasons why their suicide rates may be higher may
be a great contributor to the reason why their statistics are so high. First of
all, the reasons that drive older men to want to commit suicide are because
they feel incompetent, hopeless, pessimistic, and overall lose a lot of drive
to live. Feeling incompetent and hopeless may be due to the fact that they no
longer have the ability to take care of themselves, or maybe because they are
no longer the men that they used to be and feel as they do not have to be alive
any longer. Once they come to the point of suicide their weak bodies, and lack
of metal and physical strength may lead to a successful suicide because they
are more susceptible to dying. For example, sometimes women want to commit
suicide and there halfhearted attempt leads to failure, because although a part
of them wanted to die another part of them was more reasonable, and therefore
their method is not as strong as it should be to fully take their life away, in
a way that they survive. For elder men, because they have lower bodily
strength, it would be easier for them to find ways to kill themselves, whether
it would be through overdose of medications, or not taking necessary
medications. Overall, elder men are found to commit more successful suicides than
any other group in the United States.
the last serious group that commits suicide is the young age group of teenagers
and young adults. The reasons for which many children and young adults commit
suicide are because their parents divorce, violence in home, the inability to
find success at school, feelings of worthlessness, rejection by friends and
peers, substance abuse, death to someone close to them, or the suicide of
someone close to them. These are some of the most common known reasons why they
commit suicide, and some others include homosexuality, however that ties into
rejection by peers. Sadly one of the leading causes of death for teenagers is
suicide, especially for children the age of 10 to 14 and young adults of the
age of 15 to 25. It is known to be a leading cause of death amongst homicide,
and accidents. Sadly many young adults commit suicide, and even more
overwhelming at such a young age where there are may new things to explore or
to be happy about. The fact is, depression is tied to most of the causes of
death and it is a matter of noticing a child is at need of help in order to
help them. There are many ways to prevent their suicide including therapy,
counseling, residential treatment and medication but the most important factor
is that there family reach out to them. Similarly to other groups that attempt
suicide, sometimes children are not very sure of how to end their life and they
use forms that they have witnessed sometimes on TV or that others have told
them about, and they lead to failure. At times the failure leads to brain
damage or other forms of permanent damage to the brain or body the child now
must live with and be reminded of for the rest of their life.
suicide is a serious issue amongst women in the United States. Although it is
less severe than the other groups mentioned women account for a big percentage
of the failed and successful attempts of suicide. The reasons for which women
commit suicide is severe depression, domestic violence and other emotional
based issues. In a study found in 2007 suicide was the fifteenth leading cause
of death for women in the US compared to men that is four times less likely.
However, it is still severe and preventable. Overall there are many reasons why
people of all ages commit suicide, and the responsibility of this selfish act
lies in ones hands however there is much needed help form those who surround
those who are suicidal.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
In the United States of America social
differences amongst the population, and the pressures in society seem to have a
big toll on people. The drive to send someone off to the ultimate finish is one
only decided by the mind, and oneself. Suicide, a common form of death in the
US, even more so than HIV/AIDS with more than 30,000 victims a year, is the
result of a person choosing to take away their own life in order to escape
their undesirable existence. It is a permanent solution to a relatively temporary
problem. When one decides to commit suicide, there is no return, yet there are
many consequences. Amongst those who commit suicide women are at the bottom of
he chart with some of the lowest rates compared to elder men, who hold the
highest rate of suicide. Suicide has many consequences because sometimes there
is a failed attempt, or all the issues left behind by one who commits suicide
are left behind for family members and loved ones to inherit
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