Monday, December 10, 2012


Suicide is a serious issue because it accounts for a high toll of death in the US. Over 38,000 people in the United States die by suicide every year. In 2010 were 38,364 reported suicide deaths. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 years in the United States. Currently, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Sadly, a person dies by suicide about every 14 minutes in the United States. Every day, approximately 105 Americans take their own life. If suicide is in the top ten leading causes of death in the United States, and there are still a lack of support groups for it than something is in the system is failing. Most suicide attempts are believed to take place in the home. This means that people take their own life in the place in which is considered to be the most comforting and familiar place for a person. One may only think that the person still seeks comfort before bringing their life to an end. These statistics show the severity of this act, and yet another reason to try to bring awareness to it in order to help others rethink their final destination. It is without a doubt a serious issue and the fact that every single social group is touched and affected by it wither by the attempt of suicide or by having someone close to them commit suicide, it is important to understand why they commit suicide and what are the cures for it, or how to spot a suicidal person in order to prevent it.
A common group known to commit suicide is elder men form the ages of 25 to 65 who account for over half of the suicides in the US. These are a few factors that lead elder men to commit suicide. First of all, not all attempts of suicide throughout the US are successful. The success rate of suicide is higher for elder men, which is why they have higher suicide rates. Moreover, the reasons why their suicide rates may be higher may be a great contributor to the reason why their statistics are so high. First of all, the reasons that drive older men to want to commit suicide are because they feel incompetent, hopeless, pessimistic, and overall lose a lot of drive to live. Feeling incompetent and hopeless may be due to the fact that they no longer have the ability to take care of themselves, or maybe because they are no longer the men that they used to be and feel as they do not have to be alive any longer. Once they come to the point of suicide their weak bodies, and lack of metal and physical strength may lead to a successful suicide because they are more susceptible to dying. For example, sometimes women want to commit suicide and there halfhearted attempt leads to failure, because although a part of them wanted to die another part of them was more reasonable, and therefore their method is not as strong as it should be to fully take their life away, in a way that they survive. For elder men, because they have lower bodily strength, it would be easier for them to find ways to kill themselves, whether it would be through overdose of medications, or not taking necessary medications. Overall, elder men are found to commit more successful suicides than any other group in the United States.
            Furthermore the last serious group that commits suicide is the young age group of teenagers and young adults. The reasons for which many children and young adults commit suicide are because their parents divorce, violence in home, the inability to find success at school, feelings of worthlessness, rejection by friends and peers, substance abuse, death to someone close to them, or the suicide of someone close to them. These are some of the most common known reasons why they commit suicide, and some others include homosexuality, however that ties into rejection by peers. Sadly one of the leading causes of death for teenagers is suicide, especially for children the age of 10 to 14 and young adults of the age of 15 to 25. It is known to be a leading cause of death amongst homicide, and accidents. Sadly many young adults commit suicide, and even more overwhelming at such a young age where there are may new things to explore or to be happy about. The fact is, depression is tied to most of the causes of death and it is a matter of noticing a child is at need of help in order to help them. There are many ways to prevent their suicide including therapy, counseling, residential treatment and medication but the most important factor is that there family reach out to them. Similarly to other groups that attempt suicide, sometimes children are not very sure of how to end their life and they use forms that they have witnessed sometimes on TV or that others have told them about, and they lead to failure. At times the failure leads to brain damage or other forms of permanent damage to the brain or body the child now must live with and be reminded of for the rest of their life.
            Finally suicide is a serious issue amongst women in the United States. Although it is less severe than the other groups mentioned women account for a big percentage of the failed and successful attempts of suicide. The reasons for which women commit suicide is severe depression, domestic violence and other emotional based issues. In a study found in 2007 suicide was the fifteenth leading cause of death for women in the US compared to men that is four times less likely. However, it is still severe and preventable. Overall there are many reasons why people of all ages commit suicide, and the responsibility of this selfish act lies in ones hands however there is much needed help form those who surround those who are suicidal. 

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